Mona Magick March 2008.v3 (click here for home)

Your Financial Forecast for 2008

Astrology is good for a number of reasons – many look in their looking paper as a source of entertainment to help set the mood for a hopefully positive prediction, then others actually use it as a tool to help direct them into the sunlight and to avoid the opposite. With Financial Astrology it’s a neglected feature that Astrology has to offer that will keep us out of the red and who knows maybe with those winning numbers! Look and see what keys your Financial Astrology forecast has to give to you:






March 21 – April 20
You like money, you need money and you have the energy and enthusiasm necessary to acquire money. Your best chance of finding a highly paid job or new source of income is during the two weeks following May 5. That’s when a new moon will attract a moneymaking opportunity related to real estate, gourmet food, art, or luxury goods. The two weeks following October 28 are also profitable for you, bringing in unearned income. An inheritance, dividend, insurance payment, scholarship, grants, bonuses, or tax refund could sweeten your bank account during this phase. Extra benefits and perks from your job could also add to your wealth.

April 21 – May 21
A comfortable existence with all the necessary treats and trimmings is what being a Taurus is all about. Your best earning opportunities will come in the two weeks following June 3. Be aware, though, that any jobs you accept during this period will involve lots of extra work and responsibility. On the plus side, this will be both creative and energising. Nearly seven months later, on November 27, you could get a handsome and unexpected windfall. An inheritance, insurance payment, tax refund, or alimony payment could be awarded to you, but you may have to put up a fight to get what is yours. The threat of negative publicity can help you get funds that are rightfully yours.

May 22- Jun 21
You have the ability to earn large sums – but also to spend them. Money could come pouring in this year and the best part is you won’t have to work for it! If you’re in a relationship, your partner could make a mint and share it with you. If you are single, you could win the lottery, receive an inheritance, get a divorce settlement, win a scholarship, or net a government grant. Resist the temptation to spend all of these funds, as this year may prove to be the exception to the rule. By putting a good portion of this money into savings, you could retire early or live off the interest of some wise investments. As far as earning money is concerned, your best opportunities fall in the two weeks following July 3. If you get a job, though, it may not have a lot of benefits. Therefore, it’s wise to open negotiations for a higher salary.

Jun 22 - July 23
You shop for quality and value – and expect things to last. You won’t have to raid the sofa cushions in search of cash this year. On the contrary, money will come from a variety of sources. Your first windfall may arrive in the days following February 7, when a solar eclipse brings you money from an inheritance, grant, or scholarship. If you’re in a committed partnership, your lover could make a mint and share their goodies with you. This chunk of change may be so significant that you’ll be able to quit a job that you hate; giving your notice around February 21 seems likely. Your best time to get a lucrative job is near August 1, when another solar eclipse shines in your second house of earned income. Not only will this assignment be profitable, but it will also help you use your creative and intellectual skills. Best of all, this job will allow you to command more money for your services in the future.

(July 24 – Aug 23)
Leos are naturally extravagant. You love to spend money on the people and things you enjoy. The need to be resourceful with money will be a continuing theme this year. Your job may not pay as much money as you deserve, or it may be difficult to find work in your desired field. It could be necessary to take a position that pays less than the one you previously held. Alternately, you might have to do a job that is beneath your educational level. This might be a good time to work on a freelance basis, as you’ll have no trouble finding pleasant short term assignments. You could also decide to supplement your salary with odd jobs. Working at nights and weekends may not be a thrilling prospect, but it will put extra money in your pocket. This will be a comforting thought when a steady source of income comes to a close near February 21, when a lunar eclipse clears out an old, outmoded job for a bigger and better opportunity.

Aug 24 – Sep 23
You are prepared to work hard for your money. And you devote far too much time worrying about the money you have – as well as the money you don’t have. A new job could come along in the two weeks after February 7, when a solar eclipse lights up your sixth house of work and service. It appears as though this position will appeal to your inner visionary and while this assignment could come to an end near August 16, thanks to a lunar eclipse, it will put a nice chunk of change in your pocket. Fortunately, you’ll have another opportunity to find work on September 29, but be aware that this job won’t be nearly as fun as the one that preceded it. A sudden windfall from an inheritance, insurance payment, or tax refund could arrive near March 7. Be sure to put the majority of this money in a savings account, where it will keep you going during leaner times.

Sep 24 - Oct 23
Libra is the sign of balance and that applies as much to money as to anything else. Your finances continue to be erratic and turbulent, thanks to an uneven and unpredictable job market. At times, you’ll have too much, and at others, not enough. Keep in mind that your best chances for receiving unearned income (tax refunds, alimony cheques, insurance payments, inheritances, dividends, and prize money) will be in the two weeks following May 5. An unexpectedly lucrative earning opportunity could be found on or around October 28, when a relative tips you off to a fantastic job opening.

Oct 24 - Nov 22
Money is power. And having power is what being a Scorpio is all about. An inheritance, tax refund, or alimony payment could come your way around June 3, but you may have to share this wealth with a group of friends, relatives or fellow professionals. An impressive career opportunity will present itself on August 1, when a solar eclipse puts your CV in the hands of an important executive. Opportunities related to art, entertainment, or gambling are highly favoured. Your communication skills will be a strong asset to your new employer. If you want a raise or bonus, lobby for one in the two weeks following November 27. You might have to raise your voice in order to be heard, but you will make your point successfully.

Nov 23 – Dec 21
Your optimistic nature leads you to believe that there is always a stash of cash around the next corner – and, remarkably, there often is. This year abounds with moneymaking offers; your challenge will be to pick the most rewarding ones. Opportunities related to law, publishing, education, medicine, and psychology are all favoured. Ultimately, you’ll be able to turn a profit wherever you go. An impressive leadership position may be handed to you in the wake of a scandal around February 21. Telling off your boss could result in your taking their job. Alternatively, you may decide to go into business for yourself. Writing a book, teaching a class, or guiding others on a personal learning curve could make you a respected authority in your field.

Dec 22 – Jan 20
Money to you means a secure and comfortable lifestyle. Moneymaking opportunities will arrive suddenly and disappear again just as quickly. Be prepared to move like lightning near February 7, when a solar eclipse helps you find a job related to broadcasting, electronics or research. Work that involves film, health care, or shipping is also favoured. A windfall in the form of an inheritance, insurance payment, alimony cheque or prize winning could arrive in the two weeks following August 1. Be prepared for a source of earned income to dry up after the lunar eclipse on August 16.

Jan 21-Feb 19
To you, money is a commodity to be spent, used and enjoyed. Earned income continues to be erratic and rather unpredictable this year, but you’ve become used to this state of affairs. Your best time for finding a job will be in the two weeks following March 7. Opportunities related to the film, food and drink, or healthcare industries are especially favoured. An inheritance, tax refund, or alimony payment could become available soon after August 30, but there seems to be heavy responsibilities and lots of strings attached to this little windfall. You may have to set it aside for bills, house payments, or a child’s education.

Feb 20 - March 20
Pisceans tend to be either very good with money or very bad. Finding a new job is favoured in the two weeks following April 6. Be prepared, though, for this position to eat into your leisure time and bring added responsibilities and duties in its wake. Getting into an office romance could compromise your job so you’d be wise to resist temptation and concentrate on your work. An inheritance, alimony payment, insurance refund, or legal settlement could be awarded in the weeks following September 29, but you may have to divide these winnings among several other people.