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Guest Speaker:
Allie Theiss
Astral Sex - OBE
Allie's a single self-employed mother who noticed that having a sex life was very difficult to do. Finding the energy alone was a challenge, not to mention finding someone to date and possibly have sexual relations with. Out of this frustration Allie developed Out Of Body Ecstasy© and orgasmic sex became an integral part of her life.

This form of sexual enhancement can be done with a physical partner or by solo exploration.

What exactly is Out of Body Ecstasy (OBE) sex?

  • It's a form of energy enhancement
  • Sexual play
  • Erotic satisfaction
  • Involves the use of your; mind, energy fields and senses.
  • No physical parts merge, touch or copulate in any manner during an OBE experience.

Forms of OBE Sex

  • Your mind can make a telepathic connection to another human (telepathic sex),
  • Your astral body separates from your physical body during REM (dream sex)
  • Your astral body can separate from your physical body while you are awake and conscious (astral sex).

Whether or not you are in a relationship or if you are single, OBE can enhance your physical sex life by providing your senses with the stimuli needed to cause arousal and even orgasmic release.

Out of Body Ecstasy can be experienced by anyone; from the novice to the advanced alike – at anytime; morning, noon or night – at anyplace; during your daily commute, on an airplane or lying on the couch. No special skills are needed – no extra equipment required. By incorporating the techniques described in this book only a few times a week, you’ll discover a shift in your life that you never deemed possible – one without drugs or costly doctor visits.

Out of Body Ecstasy offers more than explosive orgasms and anywhere, anytime sex. It can increase your sexual energy, improve your health and enhance the quality of your life. But don't just take my word for it - explore the site and see for yourself!

Come and join in on the fun! (Recommended for a matuare audience)


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