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Domestic Violence and Rape

Domestic violence and rape are rampant. Every year there are 572,000 reported incidents of domestic violence against women, and 49,000 incidents against men. Countless other incidents go unreported. In 2001, there were 249,000 (that is almost a quarter of a million) victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.

The worst part is that most of the victims of these crimes know their perpetrators. 60 percent of domestic violence victims are battered or raped by their spouse, ex-spouse, or significant other; and 66 percent of rape victims know their attacker. These incidents often occur in the victim's home; and domestic violence often continues unreported for years. Left unchecked, domestic violence often ends in homicide.

The epidemic of domestic violence and rape also feeds other social problems. Victims are more likely to become depressed, homeless, addicted to drugs or alcohol, and to commit suicide; and children who grow up in a home where domestic violence or incest is the norm are more likely to perpetuate the cycle by becoming either batterers or victims themselves.

The sites listed below can help you to get informed, and also to get involved in domestic violence and rape education and prevention in your community. And don't forget, in addition to visiting these sites, you can also call your local women's shelter to volunteer or to make a donation.

Information Resources | Organizations
Pagan-operated Awareness Campaigns

Information Resources

Domestic Violence Handbook
    This site, provided by the Oakland County (Michigan) Coordinating Council Against Domestic Violence, addresses many of the common myths of domestic violence, and offers guidelines and ideas for how to protect yourself and your family, and what to do if you find yourself a victim. Most of the contacts listed here are specific to Michigan and surrounding areas, but there is useful information for all of us here.

Domestic Violence and Music Therapy
Examines the power of using popular music, something people already listen to, as a way for people to express their feelings.  Includes examples of therapeutic messages in popular music as well as original music by Freudian Slip, therapeutic rock band.
    This is a good place to go for facts, statistics, and information about prevention and coping. A useful site for victims, their friends and families, and anyone else who is interested in the facts about sexual violence.


End Abuse: Family Violence Prevention Fund
    The Family Violence Prevention Fund strives to prevent domestic violence before it happens through education, targeted advocacy campaigns, and improvements in government legislation. Their programs touch on domestic violence, child abuse, youth violence, and improvement of the legal rights of victims, and of guidelines for emergency response from the community, law enforcement, health care providers, the child welfare system, and the judicial system. Since 1999, they have expanded their focus to include not only the United States, but the international community as well.

Men Stopping Violence
    Men Stopping Violence was started in the early 1980's by two male therapists from Atlanta who decided to fight against the dehumanizing behavior of domestic violence by working with batterers to foster the needed changes in their psychologies. Their work is multi-faceted, and includes domestic-violence-specific training for clergy, community leaders, health care professionals and law enforcement; public education to raise awareness; counseling for abusers and would-be abusers; and working with other domestic violence agencies to influence government legislation.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
    The NCADV was started in 1978. They are a wonderful resource for information and referrals, and work to affect positive change in government legislation affecting battered women and children. Their website is home to Remember My Name, an online memorial to those who have died as a result of domestic violence, and also contains an extensive resources section. Well worth a visit!

National Domestic Violence Hotline
    1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
    Hearing-impaired hotline: 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)

    The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a project of the Texas Council on Family Violence. It was started in February 1996; and as of 2001, they had helped over 700,000 callers. They offer crisis intervention, referrals to local service providers, and general domestic violence information. Their hotline is open to all victims of domestic violence, both women and men. Their website is a fantastic resource for information, with plenty of information to put you in contact with your local domestic violence agencies and organizations.

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (R.A.I.N.N.)
    24-hour National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

    Since R.A.I.N.N. was founded in 1994, they have helped over 500,000 victims of sexual assault through their National Sexual Assault Hotline. In addition to the hotline, they also work to educate the community, improve services to victims, and to bring justice to perpetrators.


Pagan-operated Awareness Campaigns:

Witches Against Rape
    Web-based awareness campaign.