Ecsoteric Matchmaking


Romance has never been more colorful!! From arranged marriages, cohabitation, interracial, incestuous, long-distance, to adultery and now homosexual marriagesÉ. This is only to name a few. But with so many people turning away from their practice of religion and choosing a realization of spirituality in many respects more and more forms of relationships will begin to develop.
I must say that I have found many a spiritualist in the single category than in the secular religious category. Many times it is because once one partner grows to a spiritual plateau it’s expected to some degree that the other will at some point or want to. Bottom line, it has to be realized that the person you married or is with may have served his or her purpose in all your areas of life and it’s time to move on. However, I am a strong believer in giving it all you have “mutually” until you’ve reached your threshold. These days I’d be lying to you to say that there are many “conventional” romances left and if they are left at some point the unconventional will either be knocking at the door at some point. As to if the door will open is a matter of those individuals involved. (A.K.A. “Temptation”)

So what is a spiritually enlightened person to do when you have reached a certain point in your life and you want to find that special someone with not only the same interest but the same spiritual values as you do? Number one you’ve heard many clichés telling you that love finds “you” when you least expect it. But really lets be realist hereÉ. The likelihood of you finding someone who will accept your daily rituals to an ancient god, or your Reiki sessions, not to mention your chanting is not very high. Personally, I have never had a problem being “me” but have refrained from personal relationships until the universe gives me the green light and presents a worthy, dedicated and compatible individual. However, for those of you who feel that you’re ready to share and grow here some proven guidelines for those who walk the spiritual path:

For spells done in attracting that special someone, before you work on someone else to cast a spell on use your energies to cast the spell on yourself first! Spells that release your negative energy, and make you stronger as an individual. Those attracted to you will be attracted to you as you are, and who you are should be brought out in your spell work. Once you have met this person after this spell, then there are many other spells to work from in the matter of love. Contrary to many love spells, many should work on the individual wanting the relationship rather than working on the intended individual.

Don’t choose someone within your spiritual community only because he or she is in your community. Make sure you also you at least have gold to aspire towards outside of your spirituality. If you only allow your significant other to see the part they accept they cannot know to love you completely.

Match made on this earth? If you at one time was in love with the person you are now with but due to your spiritual growth feel otherwise then it is best to work with your karmic fulfillment and be rid of your relationship. I do not mean pay the person off with a large sum of money,although for many this would be ideal. What I mean is to work out your differences properly. Do not be deceitful, vengeful or harmful etc. to the point that you must work this out yet “again” in your next life.

Know what you want in a relationship before you go into one. Have the courage to bring your desires, your goals and issues in the beginning. Many times things worked out in the beginning when they’re brought to the front is best than having your spouse find out later which only amounts to confusion, anger and possible separation.

Lastly, meeting that special someone can be really like a needle in a hey stack when you’re dealing with over and beyond the physical compatibility to combine spirituality. So for starters here are some links below to hopefully get you started if not with romance, friendship:

their unique matching system connects you with singles who are compatible with you in 29 of the most important areas of life.

Spiritual Singles
Online spirirtual based match-maker service.

Astral Hearts
Metaphysical classified and personals

Dating by horoscopes
based on the best traditions of Chinese and Western astrology.

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