Gnosis & Esoteric Paths

> Media > Up Close Interviews

Mona Magick with up close interviews
Mona Magick

Capturing the best of any interview can be daunting with esoteric topics as its views are multi-facet. Anyone can ask loads of questions till we all grow tired of not only the chatter, but sometimes even those interviewed before we skip through the last question missing the important bits in between.  I’ve narrowed each interview consisting of 5 written questions, followed by an in-depth video interview should you decide you want to learn more with additional media options available when applicable. Guest on my show is chosen based on their authenticity, knowledge, quality and integrity within the esoteric and spiritual community.  Many are lifetime devotees, researchers, as well as those that have a voice that needs to be heard.  Each interview is geared to bring thousands of diverse viewers knowledge they crave in some way by the crafted questions asked in each interview to assure the broad audience walks away with a profound message. If you would like to be a guest or know of someone would, let me know!



Mark Alan Smith narrates path and purpose of the Witchblood Grail, explaining the rites within this tome may be used collectively, or stand-alone adapted to the path of the individual to find empowerment.  Devotees, will be pleased to know Mark illuminates key passages throughout the interview of each tome from The Queen of Hell, The Red King, The Scorpion God, The Altar of Sacrifice to The Witchblood Grail to further advance the student within this lifetime and beyond.

Die Gnostischen close_hagenKreationen
des Hagen von Tulien
Hagen von Tulien
close_wbg2The Witchblood Grail
Mark Alan Smith
 nesto_smThe Works of Nestor Avalos
Nestor Avalos
Sakaki 4
The works of Edgar KervalThe Works of Edgar Kerval
Sabbatica & Qliphoth Opus III
close_primal22Primal Craft
Mark Alan Smith
The Fatimiya Sufi Order with N. Wahid AzalFatimiya Sufī Order
Grand Shaykh N. Wahid Azal
The Altar of Sacrifice with Mark Alan SmithThe Altar of Sacrifice
Mark Alan Smith
close_sean3A Visionary Voudon Artist
Sean Woodward