Mona Speaks…

Treadmill Occult

Treadmill Occult

With the phenomena of unveiled mysteries still yet to be revealed, I believe the population has become distracted by the special affects and desensitized what could be or is the truth- in awe with the frills around it (the blood, sex, and profanity.

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Seeds Of The Hidden

Seeds Of The Hidden

At some point there is a beginning…even at the time of nothing – yet the hidden or better yet with the “Occult” no one has ever quite found it’s beginning as its cord is attached to times birth.

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Is it OBE or Time Travel?

Is it OBE or Time Travel?

One of the main issues for many physicists is that time-travel back in time is only theoretical, whereas going forward has been proven but what is time but a frame within at thought however real or unreal you may feel or think it is…

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A Force to Close…. Curio & bookstores in the shadows

A Force to Close…. Curio & bookstores in the shadows

Obviously, the serious oriented occult bookstores and shops weren’t for everyone… change is a bitch… we’ll just have to ride with the tides of fate and steer in the direction to making this quest all its worth!

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Split Paths | The Divide of the Occult Community

Split Paths | The Divide of the Occult Community

Could there really be such a thing – a genuine Left-Hand Path icon or one who walks the path of being 100% on the Right-Hand Path? Many have become conditioned into thinking to “BE” a representation of either they exclusively have to walk either on the Left-Hand or Right-Hand Path.

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Lunar Eclipse and it’s effects on you

Lunar Eclipse and it’s effects on you

Just remember that this Lunar Eclipse is about relationships and polarities. The entire eclipse will last a little over 5 1/2 hours. With Gemini-Sagittarius axis involved, this Lunar Eclipse brings us to look at our needs, lacks, and wants in our lives concerning the balance between Gemini-ruled and Sagittarius ruled areas of life. The Gemini-Sagittarius polarity is a mental axis, […]

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How technology is affecting the occult world

How technology is affecting the occult world

Technology is full of opportunities into making your life easier. There are some caveats however that it can be as dangerous as walking in a dark alley to in some cases upward paths to financial security.

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