Mona Speaks…

Alpha Beta Theta  Delta Gamma: Brain States, Surreal Events & Digital Drugs

Alpha Beta Theta Delta Gamma: Brain States, Surreal Events & Digital Drugs

Each frequency, measured in cycles per second (Hz), has its own set of characteristics representing a specific level of brain activity and hence a unique state of consciousness. Learning mind control at the deeper states of consciousness opens you up to the world of your subconscious mind where you can create your reality at will and with exact precision.

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Spiritual Certification

Amazing how you can look as some of life’s greatest leaders such as Martin Luther King, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Jesus Christ and not be able to trace a single merit in their Curriculum Vitae that certifies them for their great works that millions still follow to date (and for the centuries to come) that they’re known for. Yet, it appears […]

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Purification – The Base of Power

There’s a tried and true method to retailers across the world always planning ahead of time months before each season begins. Even more – it makes more sense to practice such methods as the same tactics with the changing of seasons and animals hibernating or migrating in due course but never at the last minute such as we humans do […]

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Spiritual Genealogy, Memoirs of “You”

I began to wonder why over the last decade has there been such a soar in ancestry research. Then realized that as more cultures, communities and people tear down the veil of discrimination the more likely the universal language of love would step in to inevitably generate the combination of a new ethnic sub-category. It is human nature to hold […]

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Conclave – In faith of Great Beginnings Within..

It’s always the mourning of someone great that causes us to sigh and wonder what would we do with lost of someone we love… Now that the 264th Pope, John Paul II has past on in this life the question should lie within all is not who will be elected, but would we elect within our own souls to commit […]

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5 Steps to a Higher Consciousness

I’ll start off by saying that everything has it’s purpose…it’s place in life. I can’t imagine having 10 functional fingers and only using two of them. We’ve all heard of the neurological statistics that we only use 10% of our brain… Can we really use 100% of our brain, our mental state of being? What’s the solution? There are some […]

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Understanding the Verse from Matthew

Subconsciously weather you think so or not when crossing a red, green or yellow light you remember the reason in which you stay behind the thick white line. You remember that if you cross during a red light the possibility of traffic colliding within your path is high. You remember the simple words and the conditions behind them and what […]

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