were you born?
Rat |
1924 |
1936 |
1948 |
1960 |
1972 |
1984 |
1996 |
Ox |
1925 |
1937 |
1949 |
1961 |
1973 |
1985 |
1997 |
Tiger |
1926 |
1938 |
1950 |
1962 |
1974 |
1986 |
1998 |
Rabbit |
1927 |
1939 |
1951 |
1963 |
1975 |
1987 |
1999 |
Dragon |
1928 |
1940 |
1952 |
1964 |
1976 |
1988 |
2000 |
Snake |
1929 |
1941 |
1953 |
1965 |
1977 |
1989 |
2001 |
Horse |
1930 |
1942 |
1954 |
1966 |
1978 |
1990 |
2002 |
Goat |
1931 |
1943 |
1955 |
1967 |
1979 |
1991 |
2003 |
Monkey |
1932 |
1944 |
1956 |
1968 |
1980 |
1992 |
2004 |
Rooster |
1933 |
1945 |
1957 |
1969 |
1981 |
1993 |
2005 |
Dog |
1934 |
1946 |
1958 |
1970 |
1982 |
1994 |
2006 |
Pig |
1935 |
1947 |
1959 |
1971 |
1983 |
1995 |
2007 |
1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
Considerate, long-suffering, and supremely honest, the unpretentious Pig makes a cheerful friend and sincere partner. This 12th and last sign of the zodiac is pragmatic and has an unquenchable thirst for new knowledge. They are often betrayed because of their faith in others, but are oftentimes rewarded with financial security due to their pure hearts. Companionship, physical love and emotional security are a must, and these souls need an easy-going mate who talks out problems instead of shouting. Gentle, yet strong of will, Pigs are motivated by their conscience. Resigned and accepting the world as it is, Pig souls do not push themselves ahead at the cost of another. Most harmonious time of day for the Pig is between 9:00pm - 11:00pm.
People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep. ...