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A Higher Love
January - 2004 Article 1-3

To experience love can be "THEE" most beautiful and liberating thing that you may experience in your days of living. Besides the gift of life, which by the way today it does cost to be delivered in these times and in some cases conceive.. But love itself is a priceless commodity that's timeless and second to none!

Does he/she love me or not? Will he ask to marry me? Will she say yes? Why won't he or she"…" and so on….It is love itself and not money that makes the "world go round" the love "of" that is. Today you listen to any song and it has to do about love, no matter what the tempo R&B, Rock, Rap, Classical, Country and so on… it will never cease to amaze me the many ways that so many have put into a melody to say I love you or in many cases.."come and love me"…just count the many ways that have been on the Top 10 charts over the many decades and throughout history. It's certain..the next best solo will be yet another song about love or in the relations to it.

So how do you describe a non carnal love? A love that has no physical essence nor being other than it's presence and relationship within your soul? According to our current logical laws of nature..this cannot be explained. Yet like the feeling of a carnal love it is self evident to be present. Let it be a lesson that the highest love attainable is beyond unconditional acceptance and exist as "IS". To reach to this level of love if there is a way to explain it I will express that you must reach beyond what physical evidence presents. Meaning to throw out monetary lack or gain, physical presence and preferences, likes and dislikes. Physical need and want….only to love within and to merge into a spiritual growth..

These days with deceit, divorce and above all promiscuity being very prevalent it's hard to find an ideal mate that you could at the least share a mutual carnal love not to mention a lustful one.. Both men and women are creatures of habit and forget how short and fragile life can be therefore get caught up in wasting many years with the wrong person(s). Sometimes this can amount to becoming stuck (or so they feel that they're stuck) in a non-progressive relationship because of a list of reasons that in many times are very weak reasons.

Attain Your Higher Love

So how do you find the serenity within sharing a higher love? What must one do in order to either grow into a higher love or seek/choose that which is fit for a more apt compatibility? Here are some suggestions for you:
  • Let go of your grudges. This includes grudges regarding other areas of your life
  • Learn to look beyond the physical, sense your mates soul
  • Enjoy sex a union of spirit and pleasure rather than just pleasure alone
  • Work with your mate on "joint" spiritual growth
  • Learn to address both your mates physical and spiritual self
  • Create the world for the two of you where you have your own language
  • Develop goals in all areas of life and learn to accept the duality of different goals you have
  • Share fears, happiness, joy and pain and work beyond the inhibitions
  • Keep your codes of honour, respect, honesty and loyalty at all cost

In A Bad Relationship?

If you feel that your current relationship is not compatible for your growth it is best bluntly speaking to end it. Some relationships take longer than some however; time is of an essence, as tomorrow is not promised. This is not to say that you'd better pack up and leave today or go down to your lawyers office tomorrow morning…. But only to remind you that through the time of your life its best to try it the right way than to remain captive the wrong way less you live in sorrow looking back wishing you had. If there are children involved consider only by example and well being as well as necessity. Anything monetarily involved is best dissolved via legal actions rather than waiting out for the last man standing…why would you want to put yourself through such anguish? You give love to yourself by letting go of a bad situation and allowing both you and your partner to move on and apart to the best suited scenario.

There's Hope
In lieu of the romantic upcoming month of February it would be nice for if not all just one person see a great hope in love.. A change for the better as there truly is a lack of true and real love in almost every home, every bedroom and many relationships. You can start today by loving yourself first…and that which is "like" will come your way thus you too will be loved!!!!!