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Millennium Messiah
March- 2004 Article 3-3

Things haven’t changed too much… most expect a grand entrance “when” and with some, the perspective “if” the entrance would even be made by a presumed “Messiah”. Today one of the greatest misconceptions apparent to me is that most religions claim that they have the complete doctrine…the truth.. There are only a handful of “major” religions in the world voted by the congregational membership and followers by the millions. In the blockbuster movie “The Passion of Christ” the prophet Jesus of Nazareth clearly teaches Love. Not to discredit the rest of the teachings that Jesus of Nazareth taught but, to put such a simple concept in ones life, a natural concept at that, why is it that with so many followers within the millions of followers of every known religion to man aside from Christianity is there so much turmoil, so much, hate, division and chaos?

Let’s say you are not Christian, you do not believe that Jesus is or in literal terms was the son of God.. If you do have religions bearings about you then you most likely believe that your savior, your “Messiah” is “coming”! What would this “Messiah” look like. Would this messiah be of flesh born of a virgin, satisfying the criteria of miracles ascending into the heavens only resurrecting such as the prerequiste would’ve been in B.C.? Would you allow the critics of the supernatural such as Arthur C. Clarke to dissect (no pun intended) the scientific possibilities to question your faith?

Suppose we all have it wrong…yes including the worlds religious leaders.. Suppose this person would be born of flesh possibly regular birth, female, male…what difference should it make when we are talking about spirituality here. Would you be willing to follow a Messiah that was of African, Native American, Asian or European, or Mediterranean decent? Would you cruicify this “Messiah because this person voiced their teachings to you that you were not used to? Rule this person as a radical?

Back then there were no Polaroid cameras, and if you know anything about Art, each era had a particular method that pictures where drawn, sculptures made and so on… The depiction of Jesus of Nazareth was done on canvas many years beyond his death. I would like to assume that many of the bible scriptures describing the physical characteristics were accurate.. BUT this is not to say that your love would not be tested by having the essence of “Christ” descending into another soul… My point being is that through the love you have of your loved ones it should not matter if one day they look so differently that you didn’t recognize them unless of course due the subject matter your criteria for the “Messiah” is purely a superficially physical thing and he has to look “exactly” like “you” have imagined. For the record the “Messiah” could be invisible for all I care as it is not a matter of the flesh that’s important when you speak of “salvation”.

The verdict of this "Passion" needs to be separated between pure love, the criteria in which “God” has planned or the lust that many cannot and will not break from that may be in many cases the only way you can hold on to…”your interpretation”. People for centuries have died, and killed in respects to their interpretations and beliefs be it right or wrong and will continue to do so for years to come. It is not to take away from the book of Revelations only to take away from a graphical fantasy or perceived notion of what you think it may be from the words that you read and everyone else depicts differently – hence different faiths and religions. IT is safe to say that the Jew, Jesus of Nazareth…taught many fundamental concepts that are still overlooked today or we would all be governed today with loving thy bother… Would you be ready for the “Christ” of today? Would you call this persons miracles practices of the occult or trickery? After all Jesus of Nazareth did say that “you” too could do as he did.. Would this “Christ” this “Messiah” have to be poor and a carpenter? Or could he be a wealthy banker?

I would close at saying, how dare you judge your “Messiah” your “God”…Your “God” can do the damn well what your “God” pleases or less you just repeat the “sins” of the past and crucify again!
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